

What’s the Di rence Between Bagged Soils at the Garden Center? A trip to any garden center, grocery, or hardware store this time of year comes with a big display of bagged gardening soils near the entrance. It seems like there are more products and choices for gardeners each spring.

SPES Celebrates Black History Month

South Plaquemines Elementary celebrates Black History Month in many ways. One of my favorite things to observe around our campus is the decorations. decorations are meaningful and are designed to teach everyone about our rich history and culture. Take for example the doors shown in the pictures. Mrs. Barthelemy’s door has a display that states, “Each and everyone of us was born with a clean heart.” Her message is full of love- the same love that she extends to students in her classroom. Mrs. Barthelemy’s theme is derived from the text Rosa Parks Goes to School. Mrs. Hammond’s door depicts the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. key takeaway from the text causes us all to re_ect -What are your dreams? How do I make the world a better place? How do we show love? front oce door is geared towards motivating and inspiring young boys, speci_cally. goal is when young boys walk into the school, they are encouraged to see themselves as leaders. team was strategic in highlighting African American trailblazers who the students might be unfamiliar to the students. We will close out our celebration of Black History Month with a culminating Black History Month Program on rsday, February 29, 2024. campus is buzzing as students are preparing for traditional dances, songs, and numerous accounts of black experiences that will be featured in the ceremony. As we move forward, we must always remember the words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Can’t See _rough the Wool!

In the Middle Ages thieves prowled the streets. When they found a victim to rob, they pulled the hood of their cloak over their eyes then cut their purse o_. t is where the term “pull the wool over your eyes” comes from as well as the term “hoodwinked.”


Age has never seemed to be such a big issue in American politics. Do we let our elected officials stay in office way too long? Should there be restrictions as to when older politicians must step down? Or should we just let the voters decide as to when someone is too old to serve? This issue is front and center because of the coming presidential election.

What Is Going On?

Societal norms seem to be changing so fast that I have to ask, “What’s going on?” Even though this country was founded on several key principles, including freedom of religion, many believe the USA was founded as a Christian nation. t concept means di_erent things to di_erent people.

Save t_ date!

If there’s an event or meeting you’d like to include in Save the Date, please call 504.392.1619! Entries limited to 100 words. Some restrictions apply.


Active Parenting: Get Support and Learn New Skills Active Parenting is a six-week support and growth program where participating parents and caregivers discuss the challenges of parenting and focus on specific areas of skill and knowledge development for parents. Topics covered, among others include improving communication with your kids; helping kids build a spirit of cooperation, responsibility, courage, and healthy self-esteem; exploring different techniques of discipline; and understanding and redirecting misbehavior.

Lawsuit Over Diversion to be Heard in Plaquemines, Stop Work Order Resumes

stop work order against the Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority’s (CPRA) diversion project issued by the Plaquemines Parish Government (PPG), _rst authorized bythecouncilbackonNovember 9, 2023, has been re-implemented after a ruling from the First Circuit Court of Appeal in Baton Rouge. s ruling, made on February 26, from the First Circuit Court, overturned a ruling from a 19th Judicial District Court (JDC) judge that ordered a lawsuit between the CPRA and PPG should be held in the Baton Rouge court.

Early Voting for March 23 Election to Begin March 9

Early voting for the upcoming March 23 election is set to begin on March 9 and run through March 16—with the exception of Sunday, March 10. During that time, polls will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Plaquemines Parish residents that wish to participate in early voting can do so by going to the Registrar of Voters Oce in Port Sulphur, the Courthouse Annex Building in Belle Chasse, or the Percy Grin Community Center in Davant (though this will only be open on Saturdays).